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9 Melba Street, Downer, ACT

PLANNING ACT 2023-PROPOSAL FOR MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND LEASE VARIATION - demolition of the existing dwelling, construction of 5 new dwellings across two buildings ranging from 2-3 storey's, basement parking, driveway/verge crossing, tree removal, landscaping and associated works. Lease Variation to limit crown lease to five dwellings.
Planning Authority
ACT Planning & Land Authority
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 3 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
137 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
1 comment made here on Planning Alerts
on the ACT Planning & Land Authority website

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Public comments on this application


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Iā€™m a local resident and am concerned about the the proposed development over 5,7,9 Melba st Downer for several reasons.
The plans do not look like they have enough parking. As a result people will park on Blacket street. The street already has limited parking and people parking in the street reduces visibly of driveways and makes it more unsafe for lots of the houses with young families.

The intersection at Melba and Antill is already busy and problematic. I suspect that this development would put additional pressure and that the intersection would need to be updated.

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