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2 Herbert Street St Leonards NSW 2065.

Application to remove twelve (12) trees
Planning Authority
Willoughby City Council
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 5 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
542 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
6 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the Willoughby City Council website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Willoughby City Council. Add your own comment.

Between all out national and state services - TfNSW, AusPost or others - are we to be left with any trees in the area or are we to become a complete conrete jungle? Without further information as to a reason why these trees must be removed that is not just commercial, it is hard to comment further (Maybe the councils could share the applications and reasons and any reports before posting) - thank you

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I strongly object to the removal of this strand of turpentine trees. We are aiming to increase urban tree canopy not to decrease. Developments don’t need to remove mature trees for ease of access. They are too precious and works need to take place around them.

Delivered to Willoughby City Council

I concur with other comments on the removal of these brush turpentine trees. If I understand it correctly, these trees are regarded as an endangered species in Australia and Eastern Australia specifically. Therefore their removal should not be allowed. I know of an instance where a large one of these trees on private property was needed to be removed when a swimming pool was installed, but approval was not given as it was deemed a protected native species.
We need to preserve as many trees as we can, particularly in a built-up area which St Leonards seems to becoming.

Susan Dadswell
Delivered to Willoughby City Council

I oppose the unnecessary removal of these trees . The area has already lost over a 1000 trees due to the Warringah freeway upgrade . At this rate there will be no trees left and all we’ll have is a hot concrete jungle. Trees provide much needed shade given the heat being experienced and they provide shelter for wildlife . The environment is already being destroyed. Do not remove these trees .

Amanda Smith
Delivered to Willoughby City Council

I object to the removal of the large number of brush turpentine trees from 2 Herbert Street.
It is stated in the application that the roots are causing plumbing issues. Looking from the street the ground around the trees does not appear to be disturbed or raised so I would suggest that a concrete root barrier be put in place if plumbing issues are indeed the proven problem.
St Leonards cannot keep having mature trees removed in large numbers. There were 63 trees removed from the hospital grounds to build 1 Reserve Road and also 2 huge fig trees removed to build the childcare building, also in the hospital grounds.
The loss of the shade canopies of these mature trees is warming the area. In addition to the high tower development and heavy road traffic St Leonards is becoming more polluted with dust and grime and these mature trees are the "lungs" of the area. Birds are actually nesting on the balconies of some of the units as their habitat is destroyed/removed.
There is also a statement in the application that 3 or 4 trees are to be replanted for each tree removed. I believe that any replacement trees should be planted in the immediate area and there be a Council list showing required choices for the species. of the replacement tree - which should be a mature tree.
Incidentally how will the replacement of these trees be monitored to ensure that they are actually planted, in the correct number and maintained.

Delivered to Willoughby City Council

I too object to the removal of these trees. Having walked past the site to see why this proposal has been lodged I was shocked that Plumbing issues could necessitate their removal. Surely this is an overkill and some other measures could be taken to solve any Plumbing issues rather than raze this stand of trees to the ground. Australia Post is owned by the Australian Government who should be leading the way with environmental issues rather than taking the easy way out and calling in the chainsaws and bulldozers..

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