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59 Fersfield Road Gisborne VIC 3437

Fifteen (15) Lot Subdivision in three (3) stages and vegetation removal (Secondary Consent sought for stage sequencing amendment)
Planning Authority
Macedon Ranges Shire Council
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 5 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
68 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
6 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the Macedon Ranges Shire Council website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Macedon Ranges Shire Council. Add your own comment.

The current size of this block is just under 6000sqm. If subdivided into 15 lots that is 400sqm each. That is far too small and will increase congestion. How can the neighborhood character go from a 1 1/2 acre block to 400 sqm blocks? There must be a revision of block sizes with majority having larger sqm over 600sqm.

Veronica Slavik
Delivered to Macedon Ranges Shire Council

Once again removal of more native trees and flora, just turn Gisborne into Tarneit and be done with it.The current block size is approx is 6000sqm. Divided into 15 lots = 400sqm each. That is far too small and will increase congestion. Increased noise, have minium car park spaces as everyone in Gisborne has 2 cars because you need to drive to melborne/sunbury etc.How can the neighborhood character go from partial acreage to 400 sqm blocks? The block sizes are too small they need to be a minium of 800sqm. Plus massive tree planting to make up for the removal and overdevelopment of every other subdividion MRSC have let through. I object on the grounds of. Nosie increase in amount and time, traffic congestion, limited parking, limited public services to the area, limited infrasturcture to support the increase in population in the area, is outside the Gisborne futures neighbourhood character for the neighbour's, the removal of any vegetation native or not, the de vegetation of Gisborne in General. Increased traffic at the site and the street and adjoining roads. Lack of high school placement postions require another high school. Height is out of character for the area.

Brett Eaton
Delivered to Macedon Ranges Shire Council

AP commented

It seems that no matter how disappointed many locals feel or what many folk believe is a better way of growing the town of Gisborne & maintaining a ‘green’ character, the MRSC has bowed to the whims of careless Developers & consumers who disregard environmental factors & are quite content to live in congested heat traps on top of each other?
Poor town & so sad for the local ecosystems & wildlife 😿 .
Perhaps it is the consequence of being rebranded as semi-urban 🫤 🙁 ?

Delivered to Macedon Ranges Shire Council

Another subdivision and it seems that with each subsequent one the block sizes get smaller and smaller.
The native trees and vegetation on this large block are among the last in the area and as such are the last refuge of any remaining wildlife. I sincerely hope the size and maturity of the trees at here is taken into consideration as part of the approval process under the protection of native vegetation policy this council claims to have.
A quote from MRSC Council's website: "We have a responsibility to retain and protect our natural landscapes, to enhance biodiversity and to retain the semi-rural character of our townships. Throughout the shire, a diversity of tree species occur of varying ages including ancient eucalypts and early settler plantings, all of which contribute to the shire’s natural and cultural values."
Yes, well, I sincerely hope that Council will stand by it's commitment in this regard, otherwise what's the point of having it? But I fear honouring such a commitment is unlikely when it's faced with the temptation of the additional rates income it will potentially receive from 15 new residences.
I intend to follow up with my local Councillor to find out more about this case and will do my utmost to ensure the remaining trees are protected

Megan Everett
Delivered to Macedon Ranges Shire Council

Gisborne is not suburbia. That’s why we choose to live here. Please hear our requests & ensure block sizes remain above 800-1000sqm with a mimum existing tree retention to preserve ALL the benefits of our amazing green town.

Scott Jackman
Delivered to Macedon Ranges Shire Council

Once again local rate payers opposing another tree cull and a tiny block subdivision, and yet once again we will go unheard. The MRSC has been asked so many time to keep the rural feel in our shire and day after day trees keep coming down and more tiny blocks and roofs keep going up. They need to just stop this madness once it is all gone you can not get it back. We have lost so many of our old growth tree and green spaces and with all of these subdivisions and congestion that it is coursing in our towns we are looking at them making us lose a lot more. Our so called creek is already a raging river when it rains and our parks get flooded. With so many more subdivisions planed and thousands more houses our streets and towns will not cope so we will need to widen our streets which will then mean more of our beautiful old trees and town character will disappear and we will just become another congested ugly suburb which we all move here to get away form. All our old growth trees will be gone and replaced with traffic and chain food shops. SO STOP THIS MADDNESS NOW.

Stella Serratore
Delivered to Macedon Ranges Shire Council

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