277-279 Broadway Glebe NSW 2037

Demolition of existing buildings, excavation and construction of a 7 to 8 storey mixed use development with two basement levels, comprising co-living housing (student accomodation), commercial and gymnasium uses, public art and signage strategy.
Planning Authority
City of Sydney
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 11 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
652 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
13 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to City of Sydney. Add your own comment.

I strongly support this application.

Sydney has a dire shortage of student accommodation and there may not be a single site in the entire city better suited to it than this one. Located on the most well served road for buses in Australia, transport and parking is not a concern, particularly because it is easy walking distance to shops, university and amenities.

The design is extremely high quality, and will substantially improve the streetscape, with the current building being unremarkable and ugly.

My only concern is that it should be larger and taller- 7 storeys is too low for such a perfect location.

If council is serious about the housing crisis and urban amenity, it should approve this application as quickly as possible and enable this development to proceed.

Dominic Behrens
Delivered to City of Sydney

I’m supportive of this development. I remember looking for accommodation around this area as a uni student, and it was impossible to find anything I could afford at the time. More housing here would go a long way, although I’ll have to say 7 storeys aren’t very ambitious given the amenities around the area.

Terence Bui
Delivered to City of Sydney

I support this development, but it should be taller. Glebe is a shadow of what it was in my uni student days because no young people can afford to live there, and Sydney Uni has a dire accommodation crisis.

Justin Simon
Delivered to City of Sydney

I'm in support for this development. The location is perfect for student housing. However, considering said location has multiple universities nearby, 7 storeys seems too low to serve the the students for these universities.

Ana Aji
Delivered to City of Sydney


I strongly support this but like others believe it should be higher. There is a dire housing shortage, other high rise in the area, good transit and the higher you go now the less that needs to be fixed later.

Erin Kelly
Delivered to City of Sydney

What a perfect opportunity to build so close to one of Australia's biggest universities, in an area well-served by shops and transport. While I would hope to see buildings taller than seven or eight storeys in the area, this development will provide much-needed housing and I strongly support the application.

Andrea Leong
Delivered to City of Sydney

I too support this application. Sydney needs more housing in general and especially high density housing. Given the UTS Tower over the road and the under-construction Atlassian building at Central are much higher, I think this building too should be higher to create more apartments, especially in a location so close to Central, Sydney Uni, and UTS.

Brett Mahar
Delivered to City of Sydney

What a beautiful design! The rooftop garden is such a nice touch. If only there was more of it to gaze at, perhaps another 7 floors. It's such a great spot near the unis, really well served by transport, shops and some lovely little pubs. Right across from Victoria Park so all the students can enjoy the natural beauty. If we'd had more developments like this when I worked in Ultimo maybe I could've afforded to live near the office instead of enduring a dreary, crowded train commute.

Oh well, now I live down the road from it, and the downward pressure it'll place on rents will help keep mine from getting out of control. More of these developments please, but I hope council lets them go higher!

Bryce Carr
Delivered to City of Sydney

Hi, I think this site is perfect for high density accomodation for students and potentially young professionals. This is the perfect location being close to transport and walking distance to both UTS and Sydney Uni. My only concern is that it should be taller 15 floors +.

Sydney council have to address the housing crises and allowing more rental accomodation will help ease the rental burden on young people. More of these developments please 🙏

Michael Doyle
Delivered to City of Sydney

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express our full support for this proposal.

The proposed student accommodation addresses a pressing need for affordable housing in the area, while the commercial spaces will boost local business activity. Additionally, the gymnasium promotes health and wellness, contributing to the community's overall well being. The inclusion of public art and a signage strategy adds aesthetic value and enhances the neighbourhood's cultural identity.

Proposal D/2024/71 presents a well rounded development that aligns with community needs. I wholeheartedly endorse this proposal and urge its approval.

Thank you for your consideration.


Benjamin Cullen
Delivered to City of Sydney

I fully support this proposal.

The proposed student accommodation addresses a pressing need for more housing in Glebe.

The only way inner-Sydney can address the housing crisis is to approve and build more homes.

The proposed height and bulk of the building is completely reasonable given the surroundings and proximity to the Sydney CBD.


John Smith
Delivered to City of Sydney

I fully endorse this proposal.

The inner west is in dire need of new housing stock to ease the housing crisis. This development (which should be at least 15 storeys or more) will help to ease the housing crisis and potentially lower rents in the surronding area once the it is completed. Furthermore, it will help international students who are paying an exorborant amount of debt, working part-time and studying to have one less thing to stress about.


Simon Sebastian
Delivered to City of Sydney

I support this application, we desperately need more housing in this university area. I had to look for a new home to live in recently and there were lines 100 people long for housing in this area. It was very upsetting. We should be able to build this much higher, too, in such a great area so close to university, city, park, and transport. Thank you.

Mark Hansen
Delivered to City of Sydney

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