29-31 Memorial Drive Narre Warren North VIC 3804

Development of Eight Dwellings and Removal of Native Vegetation
Planning Authority
Casey City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 8 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
88 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Casey City Council. Add your own comment.

No this is completely inappropriate and out of character for this area! I hope the Council understands what a unique area this part of Narre Warren North is, and stops these developments!
The Township of Narre Warren North Plan was to keep the area as such.
Robyn Quinn resident for 30 years

Robyn Quinn
Delivered to Casey City Council

Great opportunity to improve availabilty of housing stock in Narre Warren North. NIMBYism is a scourge and council must not not disgruntled residents get in the way of progress - medium density is the way of the future.

Jay Young
Delivered to Casey City Council

Memorial Drive is an important part of the history of the area with its cenotaph and oak trees commemorating the sacrifices of the first world war
The access for traffic to each of these blocks for this number of dwellings without direct frontage to existing roads is awkward . The increased density of housing would generate an increased traffic flow along the narrow track and junction to Memorial drive
This area has had strict planning controls with large setbacks along boundaries to reduce the building density, and strict controls to preserve the vegetation in the area This type of development defeats the purpose of these controls There is not a shortage of land for sale in Narre Warren North with the many subdivisions already approved.
I oppose this application

gaynor perry
Delivered to Casey City Council

We already have a terrible construction at the other end of Memorial Drive, being the rehabilitation place that the State Government sneakily build with the lack of information or approval of all local residents! The council could not even explain this construction when I asked about it as there were no signs around to make the community of high paying rate payers aware! Total corruption! I cannot remove a Gum on my property in Narre Warren North to save my life because of vegitstion preservation! How dare they even think that this is appropriate! I live in this area as I love how it feels rural , and believe me we pay for this experience in our council rates even tho we choose to live under powerlines. This is not on… keep it to the ethics and aesthetics of this area please. Are you planning to use this prime land to house patients as well? Transparency please and don’t remove any of the beautiful trees that have been in this aboriginal land for 100 of years! SHAME..

Paolina Evans
Delivered to Casey City Council

We have been waiting for this to pop up ever since it sold knowing who bought it, continuing to build units on blocks around here will take away the community feel that we all enjoy, we didn’t move here from one built up area to spend our hard earned money for it to be made into another built up jungle, pretty sure planning zone says 1000sqm or close each block for subdivision!!

We already have one block full of units on main st but once again seems to be trying to get this one through also, we as a family oppose to this application whole heartedly, Narre North is Narre north for a reason and building units is not that reason

Mark Lee
Delivered to Casey City Council

Why cant casey council leave this part of Narre Warren alone. Hasn't casey council destroyed enough land already?.
Narre Warren North is a green wedge area and not a growth area. This development will be destroying native vegetation and will lose what makes this part of Narre Warren beautiful and unique.
Please stop destroying suburbs with overpopulation and destroying our beautiful land.

Delivered to Casey City Council

Lets be clear about this , it is purely about money and driven by financial greed and after it is done the developer leaves the scene to a place where they can live a lifestyle of choice leaving the problems created for others behind them . Having said that this is exactly why I and my family chose the area ,BUT not at the expense of other peoples lifestyle rather to enjoy it together in an area to be admired by all within . This will be the beginning of the end if allowed to happen by growing like a cancer destroying what is there now , totally unnecessary and not welcome in a fantastic community with a terrific lifestyle choice made with COMPULSORY LOW DENSITY housing when purchased . There is plenty of land available for high density housing elsewhere , so I am totally against this development proposal ruining the area with a change of policy for all who live there destroying why they made that choice !

alan timms
Delivered to Casey City Council

We hope the council takes into consideration that this property is zoned as a township and has a Development Overlay Schedule 5 that states:

"The following requirement should be met before a permit can be granted:

A lot size for the subdivision that appropriately reflects the low density residential character envisaged in the development plan; or, a minimum lot size of 1,000 square metres for all residential lots for land in the Township Zone."

Therefore, eight (8) properties would be on roughly 399m2 each. Given this land size, it does not comply with the overlay set by the State planning. This should be considered by the council.

Jen Nguyen
Delivered to Casey City Council

I strongly urge Casey Council to reject the permit for development of 8 residential property on this land.
Narre Warren North is a very unique and beautiful area due to its large size blocks, with low rise homes. My family were drawn to this beautiful part of Casey because of semi-rural feel, large blocks, open spaces and a quiet lifestyle. Memorial Dr is at the heart of this wonderful little community. Our area needs protection from over crowding. It's bad enough that one acre + lots are being subdivided and double storey homes are being allowed. Please don't allow developers to build 8 units on this precious parcel of land. There's plenty of land elsewhere in Casey where units are welcomed. Narre Warren North is and needs to stay a green wedge. Say NO to the permit!

Anne Kleidon
Delivered to Casey City Council

This is absolutely ludicrous and will significantly impact the local flora and fauna as well as the traffic, parking and culture of the township of Narre Warren North. People are drawn to this area for the rare peace and tranquility it provides amongst the overpopulated, under resourced City of Casey.
Shame on Council for even considering this development, if this goes ahead many residents will be unhappy and I urge Council to consider the needs of the COMMUNITY over the economic growth for one or twi INDIVIDUALS. If this is approved it will be due to sheer greed!

Delivered to Casey City Council

Like others I strongly object to this permit. It has multiple concerns and is inappropriate for the area. Narre Warren North known as Narre North is a semi rural area.
It will increase traffic, and parking will become a major problem for the residents of Memorial Drive.

Please do better for our community and reject this proposal.

Delivered to Casey City Council

Absolutely inappropriate development in what is supposed to be semi-rural Narre Warren North!
I have lived in the area for over 30 years, and seen numerous changes- most of which were clearly made to line the pockets of our councillors. I have the Planning Strategy for this area from 30 years ago, and it's a joke- nothing has been adhered to...
I don't live on Memorial Dve, but feel outraged on behalf of those who do. I use the road every day and can only imagine the queues of cars, especially at school pickup time, waiting to turn onto Narre Nth Rd!

Casey Council- please, please, please reconsider!

Chris Stephens
Delivered to Casey City Council

Apart from the building being unwelcome just what does the native vegetation removal involve ?

alan timms
Delivered to Casey City Council

Enough with destroying our beautiful landscape. Bad enough the amount of small blocks going up and traffic congestion.
8 Units is ridiculous and Council has always said Unit developments would not be part of the NWN developments.
We say NO !!

Delivered to Casey City Council

Like others I strongly object to this permit. It has multiple concerns and is inappropriate for the area. Narre Warren North known as Narre North is a semi rural area.
It will increase traffic, and parking will become a major problem for the residents of Memorial Drive.

Please do better for our community and reject this

Ophelia Ahern
Delivered to Casey City Council

To the best of my knowledge the Narre Warren Nth Township Strategy, drawn up and adopted by Council after extensive community involvement, is still a valid document. Two recent subdivisions within the Township Zone were obliged by Council to average 1000 m2 or very close to thatin keeping with the Strategy guidelines.The Strategy was devised to preserve the open Village like feel of the Township and particularly as part of the transition to increasing lot sizes into the foothills and green wedge zones, by providing a buffer zone of larger properties. There are many land developments within Casey where block sizes are under 400m2 and jam packed two story dwellings. Narre Warren North Township is not so zoned. Casey Planning staff have a big job keeping abreast of the guidelines where staff turnover is frequent, and with Narre Warren North a unique area some planning staff may not be familiar with the multiple controls.
29-31 Memorial Drive should be subdivided in keeping with the intent of the Township Strategy. Planners, please show some consistency here too.
Clive Ellis
Resident of over 70 years

Clive Ellis
Delivered to Casey City Council

I am a long term resident having lived in Narre Warren North township for 20 years and currently raising my family here. It has been disappointing to see the area being carved up. I also use Memorial Drive multiple times a day.

Council needs to protect the character of this area at all costs. We have many areas in the Council where small and affordable blocks of land are available. Plus buyers shouldn’t be allowed to purchase property at prices according to its zoning restrictions and then break the rules of this zoning for profit making with complete disregard to the community.

Zoning exist for a reason and that is to protect the character of the neighbourhood. Narre Warren North has a long history as a unique semi rural and close knit community and consists of low density housing and green wedge. It is a beautiful area and people choose to live here and pay higher prices for this low density semi rural life style.

This block exists in the township zone and as such cannot not be subdivided down to anywhere less than 3 blocks, as it is less than 4,000m2. For that reason to even submit an application for 8 should be thrown straight out. If anymore than a sub division of three is approved it will show that corruption still exists in the Casey Council.

We have already lost a lot of trees due to the recent storms, so any vegetation should remain to maintain established vegetation.

The block is also behind the Anzac Memorial, which besides being disrespectful to put financial gain above respect for our diggers, it will increase significantly traffic in this area, which also has the Scouts and girl guides over the road.

Memorial Drive also has open drainage, so this will add to the pressure of the drainage system. It is not built for high density housing.

Approval will set a precedence in the area that zoning means nothing and then every will look to break the zoning rules and then our unique neighbourhood character will be lost.

So as a result all 7 of my family members strongly object to this development.

Delivered to Casey City Council

I wish to object to the development of 29-31 Memorial drive, Narre Warren north for the following reasons.
1. No approval on this development should be made until a council that will be accountable for any wrong decisions is elected. We all know what happened to the previous council and why they were sacked.
2. As scientists tell us that global warming is having a larger affect on the environment than previously predicted, the removal of native vegetation will only add to the global warming that scientists insist is an existential threat to all of us.
3. I moved to NWN because of its semi rural atmosphere. If developments such as this one is permitted, that would turn this community into 3rd world ghetto living with high density housing.

Wayne Ahern
Delivered to Casey City Council

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