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619 Pacific Highway St Leonards 2065,621 Pacific Highway St Leonards 2065, NSW

Demolition of existing structures and construction of 50-storey mixed-use development comprising retail and commercial floor space, a Community Art Centre on Level 2, a total of 190 residential apartments consisting of 36 x 1 Bed, 104 x 2 bed and 50 x 3 bed units and basement parking for 72 residential parking spaces, a loading dock and 253 bicycle spaces and associated public domain works.
Planning Authority
NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 7 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
550 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
8 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels. Add your own comment.

As an owner occupier in St Leonards, I strongly object to this development. There are already too many apartment buildings in St Leonards, leading to overpopulation and overcrowding. The height of the building is also a concern, as tower blocks have been shown to have a much higher environmental impact than low rise buildings. Could the council please take into account the opinions of voting residents when considering this application.

Simon Lai
Delivered to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels

Enough is Enough.

50 stories?!?

Another one?

I inspected personally 2 of the newest buildings that have gone up in the past 4 years.

I wouldn't live in them. As good as they may be 'perceived', Crows Nest / St Leonards isn't Hong Kong, & Council should not be aspiring to this.

Adrian K
Delivered to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels

As an owner occupier in Atchison St, I am concerned about our (and other nearby buildings) suffering structural issues due to the underground digging and general destabilisation of the ground due to such a large development. This building will also block light and create another wind tunnel. I object to this plan and hope that the feedback is taken seriously.

Sarah Lourie
Delivered to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels

As an owner occupier I am concerned about the environmental impact that another high rise building will have in this area. Additionally, although it is reported as mixed use, the planned number of residential apartments within the building will only add to issues over overcrowding and overpopulation. A 50 storey building will either be an eye sore in the region or will be used as an excuse for other developers to follow suit turning a community focused suburb with plenty of green space into a concrete jungle.

Delivered to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels

Too high and already overpopulated in this area. We’ve experienced so much more traffic gridlock in this area, it’s no longer pleasant to live in the area. We need more park and open space. Please do not approve and expand the high rising towers towards crows nest.

Delivered to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels

This suburb is getting over populated by the minute! Please stop! We are losing more trees, green space! It feels like living in Hong Kong! Too crowded!

Sona Dwyer
Delivered to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels

As an Owner Occupier in this vibrant and community orientated area, the is a limit to what can be absorbed. The already approved, not yet built, developments (including the 3-building plan for over the metro) increase the population significantly and this will most likely result in a tipping the area and it's available resources current and planned over the edge. Where will the kids go to school? Where will we be able to get medical treatment? Royal North Shore, a key hospital not just for the area, but for all Sydney will be completely overwhelmed. Where will we be able to take a breath, or see the sky? How will this proposed building be constructed to ensure the temperature of the area does not increase further? Where will these new residents, workers and visitors park?- According to the description there is less than 1 car space for 7.5 residential bedrooms, and that doesn't even factor in any for the retail or commercial floors, the Arts Centre, or any visitors. While it is lovely to think there will be less cars, we live in a city where the transport systems are so very far from being properly connected when trying to use public transport and is still a very large and spread-out country. Just down our street we contend with residents that have filled their allocated space(s) and so park extra cars, trailers, RVs etc on the very few street spots available and across pathways and driveways showing how this issue is already impacting the area.

Delivered to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels

St Leonards is a very vibrant and still attractive area for a lot of residents. Unfortunately it is becoming too overshadowed by tall constructions continually approved by the council without any regard for the existing infrastructure and residents. Please do not allow any more buildings to be added to the area, it is going to overcrowd the streets with additional traffic, both cars and people, it will add to the temperature rise by adding so much more concrete and hundreds air conditioning units whilst more and more applications for tree removal are being submitted. Please think of the future of everyone in this area and do not allow additional development of this scale.

Ewa Tuckett
Delivered to NSW Sydney and Regional Planning Panels

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