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104 Melton Road Gisborne VIC 3437

Subdivision of the land into twenty (20) lots adjacent to a road in a Transport Zone 2 and the removal of native vegetation
Planning Authority
Macedon Ranges Shire Council
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 8 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
50 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
6 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the Macedon Ranges Shire Council website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Macedon Ranges Shire Council. Add your own comment.

Yet again more subdivision more native vegetation removed, and open spaces gone. I still don't understand why it has to be a 20 lot subdivision and remove everything and not just a 10 lot subdivision and leave some of the vegetation that will never be planted again because the block will be too small for anything. And yes I do appose this subdivision, once again. But as usual no one will listen gisborne will keep being chopped up into tiny little pieces and our wild life will disappear. But our rates will keep increasing.

Stella Serratore
Delivered to Macedon Ranges Shire Council

Yet again more subdivision more native vegetation removed, and open spaces gone. I still don't understand why it has to be a 20 lot subdivision and remove everything and not just a 10 lot subdivision and leave some of the vegetation that will never be planted again because the block will be too small for anything. And yes I do appose this subdivision, once again. But as usual no one will listen gisborne will keep being chopped up into tiny little pieces and our wild life will disappear. But our rates will keep increasing.

Stella Serratore
Delivered to Macedon Ranges Shire Council

Yet again more subdivision more native vegetation removed, and open spaces gone. I still don't understand why it has to be a 20 lot subdivision and remove everything and not just a 10 lot subdivision and leave some of the vegetation that will never be planted again because the block will be too small for anything. And yes I do appose this subdivision, once again. But as usual no one will listen gisborne will keep being chopped up into tiny little pieces and our wild life will disappear. But our rates will keep increasing. Our road will keep getting worst, and our town will keep looking like a tip.

Stella Serratore
Delivered to Macedon Ranges Shire Council

David Burdon-Jones
Local Gisborne Resident.

I would like to object to the proposed development Macedon Ranges PLN/2023/462 for the following reasons:

1) Unnecessary and inappropriate removal of native vegetation
2) Changing the native habitat into a suburban development, which is out of keeping with the natural environment which currently exists.
3) Forcing resident fauna out of their habitat
4) Unnecessarily small and numerous proposed size of building blocks not in character with a peripheral town location.
5) Unnecessary and inappropriate removal of water catchment dams in the development which would remove a scarce resource for local wildlife.
6) Additional traffic to an already fast 80km/hour road in-bound from Melton and passing through a School zone.
7) This development would result in further irreversible change in semi-rural character of Gisborne town.
8) Additional pedestrian and road traffic in a town already struggling with its existing infrastructure.

David Burdon-Jones
Delivered to Macedon Ranges Shire Council

I would like to raise my concerns at the proposed development of 104 Melton Road Gisborne.
The beauty of living in regional Victoria is being surrounded by natural vegetation and having the space to enjoy this. Many of the new developments in Gisborne could equally be in Melbourne CBD, given the space they are allocated.
I don't have an issue with developing the site, but my concern is with:
1. The width and orientation of the blocks. Whilst they are large blocks, the way they have been subdivided looks like the new houses will be very close to each other. Having fewer subdivisions, arranged to accomodate the natural curves of the landscape would make a more pleasant neighbourhood.
2. The lack of paths within the subdivision. It would appear that high value vegetation is to be retained - but this is actually included within subdivisions. I would prefer to see these area retained for public enjoyment with pathways between fewer blocks.
3. The lack of paths to and from the subdivision. One of Gisborne's wonderful features is the footpaths for residents to walk on, and children to walk/cycle safely to and from school. For example, by the golfcourse on the Mulguthrie estate. The plan of this development shows only a short 'reserve' from Morningside estate directly to the proposed road (that does not have a footpath)! With fewer blocks and some additional thought, pathways to and from this area could be included in the plan. e.g. A pathway along the golf course from this estate would provide a pleasant, safe off-road access to town.
4. There does not appear to have been any consideration of the fauna that currently occupy this area. The land is being subdivided in geometric strips, ignoring natural features such as the dams, and not providing safe passage for the kangaroos and echinda(s?) that live here. I understand that koalas were once seen in Gisborne. Fencing off slabs of land without consideration of the routes our wildlife use will means that the kangaroos and echidnas may also become past residents.

Sue Burdon-Jones
Delivered to Macedon Ranges Shire Council

We object to the proposed development Macedon Ranges PLN/2023/462 for the reasons listed below
1) Unnecessary half acre lots, unnecessarily small 20 lot development is overkill
2) Unnecessary and inappropriate removal of native vegetation
3) Creating more development without the thought of the busy Melton road to enter and exit the estate.
4) Creating more development without the thought of additional infrastructure and schools.
5) Removal of water catchment dams in the development is not needed
6) Additional traffic to an already fast 80km/hour road in-bound from Melton and passing through a School zone.
7) This development would result in further irreversible damage in the semi-rural character of Gisborne town. Additional infrastructure has not been thought of
8) Additional pedestrian and road traffic in a town already struggling with its existing infrastructure.

Delivered to Macedon Ranges Shire Council

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