Strongly opposed. This publicly funded "independent" religious school just keeps expanding and expanding. Traffic concerns, loss of local amenity and the dreaded school drop off get worse with each expansion. Why should residential building suddenly become schools in a housing crises?
64 & 66 The Boulevarde Lewisham NSW 2049
- Description
- Demolition of the existing buildng on No.64 The Boulevarde, use of the site as a playground for the adjoining educational establishment 'Christian Brothers High School, new signage and use of the existing building on No.66 as part of the educational establishment and associated access and landscaping of the sites
- Planning Authority
Inner West Council
- Reference number
DA/2023/0964This was created by Inner West Council to identify this application. You will need this if you talk directly with them or use their website.
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 year ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
- 862 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 4 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Inner West Council. Add your own comment.
Extra play areas for children and growing teenagers at the school are an excellent move. In a digital age, children need to be encouraged to get outside more often and this is a great way to start. I support this application wholeheartedly
I strongly support this application. The small envelope of land which this school sits on has little space for students to run around and be active. This much needed extra playground space will encourage students to be more active and contribute postively to their education and development.
I feel it important to comment that this DA does not involve the Church being demolished as some have suggested. In response to an earlier comment, the building to be demolished as part of the DA is not a residential building. The application is for more playground space, not expansion of classrooms to build greater capacity of students.