There are several pressing issues that must be amended by the developer before this planning approval should be granted.
1. This building proposal is too tall and too large for the space it will inhibit. The block size and shape will not comfortably fit a building this large.
2. It will completely derive many of the apartments on 6 and 8 gribble street from receiving any natural sunlight at all, which was a key design feature of the apartment buildings there. Depriving people of any incoming sun also ruins the solar passive aspect and design of the apartments, increasing heating costs for residents. This dearth of sunlight will also tank the value of apartments for owners and landlords.
3. The size and aspect of the proposed building mean that instead of a natural view, many apartments at 6 and 8 gribble street will instead be looking directly into their cross-street neighbours. This raises both privacy and long term value concerns for residents in 6 and 8 Gribble street.
4. The parking and traffic situation is already dire along Gribble street. There are vehicles parked illegally all along the street at all times of day, adding more residents whilst decreasing parking options will lead to more accidents and poor behaviour.
5. Adding another tall building in a row in that location will create an amplify a current wind tunnel effect that occurs along Gribble street currently. This is already dangerous for people and property.
6. The combined emergency services group adjacent to the proposed development have privacy and security concerns around having private citizens directly overlooking their areas of operations. Again, reducing the building height for the proposed development would help alleviate this.
7. That same combined emergency services group utilises a very loud and very large exhaust fan that blows hot air directly into the lot of the proposed development. The developer will have to pay to have that relocated or risk their builders hearing with dangerous decibel levels running 24/7.
As you can see, most of these concerns can be alleviated by reducing the maximum height of the proposed development- the sunlight, loss in value and loss in privacy concerns from residents in 6 and 8 gribble street and For the combined emergency services building staff as well. Do the right thing by the affected gunghalin residents and reduce the size and scope of the proposed development. If the building were to be a maximum of 2-4 stories, almost all of these concerns would disappear, and community acceptance would increase.
Thank you for reading my submission, I hope it helps inform your final decision.