When this parcel of land 124 Alexandra Way Table Top was submitted for subdivision, into two blocks, a building envelope was set in place on the block 136 Alexandra way Table Top, to protect the resident next to this block, from being too close to the boundary line.
When the envelope was placed on the plan of this block (136) the residents agreed and the envelope and subdivision was approved by council.
The Envelope was large enough for a house, shed and pool.
The proposed building application has been submitted for a house, shed, pool and alteration to the building envelope
This proposed alteration to the envelope will be larger that the existing as approved by council, and the house as proposed on the drawing can be moved within the new envelope, and could be closed to the residents next door on the lower side.
I do not object to the house, shed and pool to be built but it must be with the existing building envelope.
A building envelope must be treated in the same way as an easement ( no building, structure can be built over or on an easement.
To alter the building envelope means that a person can do what they like.
If approved, the effected persons are the neighbors. not the approving authority.
The persons lodging the DA must find an alternate design to stay within the building envelope.
I strongly object to the alteration of the proposed envelope.
By objecting to the building envelope then we will be objecting to the DA as submitted.