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80 Kings Road New Lambton NSW 2305

Dual Occupancy - includes 1 into 2 lot subdivision
Planning Authority
The City of Newcastle
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
117 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
3 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the The City of Newcastle website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to The City of Newcastle. Add your own comment.

I live a few doors down from this property and my home is regularly visited by magpies who nest in the tree at 80 Kings Road, New Lambton. I have concerns about the loss of this tree for these native birds who have called this tree home for a number of years.

Delivered to The City of Newcastle

Good Afternoon, My children attend school with the current family residing next door to the current lot 80 Kings Road New Lambton, and regularly play at the home next door. I have concerns relating to the proximity of the proposal, and placement of windows to the neighbour. The plan shows a large number of windows both ground and upper level, which could look and see into children's bedrooms / toilets. Furthermore, the privacy will be reduced for the backyard and will place a BBQ area right next to the yard where the kids play. My family moved to New Lambton from Maryville to be away from townhouse shared wall living. This suburb is great for school kids to have backyards to play in and space from their neighbours. I urge you to review the impact this proposal has on privacy and the safety for the children who live / play there. Thank you and kind regards.

Ashleigh Bates
Delivered to The City of Newcastle

I am long term friends with the owners of a neighboring property. The family moved from an inner city townhouse to new Lambton to give their children a positive outdoor experience. They have created a home for their family which is eco friendly in that they harvest rain water to use on gardens including vegetables, and have wildlife, such as birds of many varieties, into their yard to feast as well as to teach their children about wildlife.
The proposed development will encroach on the lifestyle the family have created by reducing sunlight into their back yard, removal of trees will negatively impact on wildlife which also reduces the education for the family’s young children.

The height of the development will also reduce natural light into the home causing negative effects. The proximity to boundary and placement of windows will also create privacy issues between the properties.

The street is a wide street but parking is often difficult to obtain. Adding 2 properties with a likelihood of 2 cars per residence will make parking in the street more difficult and dangerous due to the number of vehicles coming and going from the development as well as in the street.

I strongly urge council to review this development as a number of negative effects will result should this development be allowed to proceed.

Kate wiggers
Delivered to The City of Newcastle

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