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170 Stahls Rd, Oakville NSW 2765

New licence - producer/wholesaler
Planning Authority
NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
56 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
7 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority. Add your own comment.

I do not think this is appropriate for a RURAL area and the position it is allocated at this dangerous corner intersection.

Maureen Fraser
Delivered to NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority

I do not think this is appropriate for a RURAL area and the position it is located at this DANGEROUS intersection so close to the corner for traffic to enter.

Maureen Fraser
Delivered to NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority

I do not think this is appropriate for a RURAL area and the position it is located at this DANGEROUS intersection so close to the corner for traffic to enter.

Maureen Fraser
Delivered to NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority

No for I don't want more public people if you wish to open a shop rent or buy a shop

Delivered to NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority

THIS will cause noise in this RURAL AREA we came here for rural purpose not for this kind of Commercial busines to disturb the neighbourhood.We need to have quiet as we arise early for our income.

christiane sultana
Delivered to NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority

This is rural area, we do not need this in our area. There is pubs and bottles shops close to the area why would we need this in the middle of all our house

Delivered to NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority

This area is not appropriate to sell alcohol and the trading hours are very long we don’t need access traffic in our area we moved here for peace and quiet
As mentioned go rent a space

Mary schembri
Delivered to NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority

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