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32-34 Bayswater Rd, Potts Point NSW 2011

Liquor licence transfer - without licensee consent - on premises
Planning Authority
NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
683 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
3 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority. Add your own comment.

So please just let me get this clear… you are reopening a premises after the last guy who had a history of running ran and now news on the street is John Ibrahim is taking over?
I have no problem with John… I have a problem with your choices of giving out liquor licences to anyone and not following up until it’s too late… so no I object

Delivered to NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority

I strongly object to the continuation of the new licensees trading, as all licensees have to date, in all venues, on Bayswater Road. I object to the transfer of this licence from one rogue operator, to another of the same. They have absolutely NO regard, whatsoever, for the peace and quiet of the neighbourhood, or the health and wellbeing of local residents. Their venues continue to trade in breach of the DA consents, for these rooms, in regard to sound levels approved for the clubs ie. Noise is not to be audible in residences, after midnight - at all!!; AND No more than 5db above ambient at any other time - at the boundary of adjoining residences. They generally trade about 50db above ambient, every time they open their doors. It's a nightmare, for residents.

Liquor and Gaming, and Council, have created here, on this street, a situation where a handful of rogue operators are continually allowed to hold a whole street hostage. Residents are captive in their unfettered, unmonitored noise zone.

Until Liquor and Gaming, and Council, accept responsibility for the massive problems these few operators are causing to the health and well being of a large number of residents in this street, the licences should not be allowed to just roll over, unamended.

The venues should be held to account for their noise pollution and directed to comply with all sections of their consents. And Council and Liquor and Gaming need to ensure that they do so.

So i do not support this 'without consent' application unless more stringent and enforceable noise controls are applied. Ie. It would be much simpler to state, on the venue consent "Noise not to be audible on Council's footpath." Or "Noise not audible at the external boundary of any residence." That way Liquor and Gaming, Rangers and other Council Officers, and Police would all be perfectly clear on the rules and regulations of where the noise problem begins and ends ,and all officers would be able to deal with infringements, easily.

The current lack of concern or action by authorities and venues is untenable, unfair, and completely unnecessary.

Peta Wilcox
Delivered to NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority

I completely object to this application for the same reasons as the other residents. The noise that comes from the clubs already trading is way above what is allowed. The previous owners of the club in question breached the noise laws, and if their licence is just transferred, the same thing will happen.

I have a property in Bayswater Road, and the noise is excessive for at least 4 days per week, and sometimes more. I have had tenants move out because they cannot stand the noise going on until 3:30am for days on end.

There needs to be more done by council to enforce the already existing laws and penalise the owners of these clubs. We have dozens of people in front of our property waiting to go into the clubs or having a cigarette right underneath our apartments. The clubs do not contain their music or patron noise within their premises and completely disregard the laws.

So, I strongly object to this proposal.

Patricia Snyder

Patricia Snyder
Delivered to NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority

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