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22-28 Francis Street Corrimal NSW 2518

Subdivision - Torrens title - five (5) lots, demolition of existing structures, bulk earthworks, remediation works, tree removal and riparian vegetation management Modification A - removal and burial on site of asbestos contaminated fill and removal of eight (8) trees
Planning Authority
Wollongong City Council
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
155 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
2 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the Wollongong City Council website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Wollongong City Council. Add your own comment.

Waiting on council to display the landscape plan showing the additional 7 trees to be removed from this site.
Council has marked Corrimal as a suburb that needs an increase in the amount of trees.
It will be very disappointing if the large trees are part of this application.
They are along the creek and if removed will contribute to erosion. Also increase the loss of habitat to this site where ducks, grey and white herons were seen before works started.

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I agree with your comment J M Green spaces in Corrimal and loss of trees has already decreased significantly, impacting waterways, any remaining wildlife, and quality of life. It is also distressing and difficult to live with daily traffic problems, speeding cars and motor bikes and a huge increase in pollution especially noise pollution.

Why doesn’t Town Planning, WCC work together with traffic police to stop law breakers, community concerns about increased traffic, noise pollution ? There are no speed limit signs along the Francis Street, Collins Street area and every da and night, there are traffic problems for residents, law breakers, no police or speed cameras ?

Loss of trees for housing has multiple effects which is happening in many residential streets which have become race tracks for cars and motor bikes ?

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