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72 Beaconsfield Road Chatswood NSW 2067.

Application for removal of 2x trees, 1 Maple and 1 Eucalyptus due to owner opinion of safety risk from fallen branches cause structural damage.
Planning Authority
Willoughby City Council
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
421 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
2 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the Willoughby City Council website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Willoughby City Council. Add your own comment.

An application with no details.
I've had a look on google maps with the satellite view on. There are no trees near their house. They choose to buy into an area with a lot of greenery so either they move to a concrete jungle or the owners can learn to live in this lovely area with the trees and nature surrounding them. This application must be rejected.

Delivered to Willoughby City Council

The subject house was purchased in June 2020 presumably the current owner obtained a housing inspection report was at the time. The current owner would also have inspected the property in real time before the purchase. Did the inspections and/or reports reveal any structural issues with the house at the time? Did any such report or inspection indicate issues with trees affecting the structural integrity of the house? Did the owner consult a qualified council arborist before purchase? The trees identified in the real estate photos clearly indicate they are positioned a good distance from the house. Branches per se don’t cause structural damage. Property owners may prune branches in accordance with Council rules. Is it not the case that the owner simply wants more sunlight and/or land area to extend the property? Such beautiful, old trees warrant heritage protection and there is no good reason offered by the owner to completely destroy the healthy canopy on this block of land.

Jodi Norton
Delivered to Willoughby City Council

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