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Shop 8 2 Surf Road, Cronulla NSW 2230

Liquor licence transfer - with licensee consent - on premises
Planning Authority
NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
327 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
2 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority. Add your own comment.

I strongly object to this liquor license being granted for after business hours as I live directly above this shop. Already, I have seen examples of other liquor licensed premises in lane ways adjoining residential areas and the noise at night from guests is horrendous. I am concerned about people drinking outside late at night, laughing and carrying on and disturbing my right to sleep.
This is a residential apartment block directly above this shop, and I do not object them having a liquor license, but being used during daytime hours. I do object to the after hours drinking.
It appears that this applicant who is Cronulla‘s ex mayor has been given special favours by Council, and I would hate to think that he has an influence with the liquor licensing board.
There are many aged occupants in this apartment block who are not capable of sending an email or writing a letter to object, but have spoken to me personally regarding their objections. I have advised them to try and get somebody to write an objection for them as I do not have the time to do it.
Should this license be issued for after hours drinking on the footpath, I can assure you that there will be a lot of problems and this will escalate in violence . This is how strongly I feel about this matter.

Costa Argyrous
Delivered to NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority

Hi Costa,

Please read the information. This is for the resturant Montien Thai which has been there for years. This is not for the new Bar opening up in SURF LANE by the existing mayor.

This is just a transfer from One licensee to another for the existing restaurant.


Leanne Farmer
Delivered to NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority

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