16 Boundary Road, Brown Hill VIC 3350

Nine lot subdivision and removal of vegetation

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Ballarat City Council, reference PLP/2022/576)

1 Comment

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  1. Lauren Melrose commented

    As a resident of Ada Rose Heights I am concerned at the condition of Boundary Road and the impact the inevitable increased traffic both during construction of dwellings and once these dwellings become occupied. The road itself is not safely ‘two way’ and the current potholes on the road make it almost unusable at this point. Given there has been other subdivision approved further down Boundary Rd I’m interested to know if there is a long term plan to seal it?
    I am also interested to know what the plan is for the families of ducks that live on the dam; there are at least two sets of ducklings currently in the area. This may seem trivial but we have become accustomed to them living in the area and hope they may be relocated appropriately.

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