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2 Club Court, Strathfieldsaye 3551, VIC

Use of the subject land as a medical centre, Use of the subject land as a service station, Construction of a building and the construction or carrying out of works, Construction and putting up for display of signs, Removal of native vegetation, Creation of access to a Road Zone Category 1 (Amendment to permit conditions)
Planning Authority
City of Greater Bendigo
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
39 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
13 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the City of Greater Bendigo website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to City of Greater Bendigo. Add your own comment.

As far as I’m aware CoGB didn’t want this project any more than some of us that live very close to it. It’s a bad spot for anything other than the expansion of Strath Primary School and the state government has been very short sighted and hasn’t bought this land for the growth of the school. It’s a dreadful spot for this type of development

Kim Mayer
Delivered to City of Greater Bendigo

As far as I’m aware CoGB didn’t want this project any more than some of us that live very close to it. It’s a bad spot for anything other than the expansion of Strath Primary School and the state government has been very short sighted and hasn’t bought this land for the growth of the school. It’s a dreadful spot for this type of development

Kim Mayer
Delivered to City of Greater Bendigo

This site would be more beneficial to the community if it was made into a outdoor public swimming pool, splash park and skate park. Any commercial business venture will just increase the already congested traffic situation and have negative affects for the school.

Bree Bortolotto
Delivered to City of Greater Bendigo

I do not see any need for another service station in this area.
I am surprised there are plans for another medical centre as we already have two within walking distance of one another and the new site.
I object to more removal of native vegetation, older eucalyptus take many years to grow to the size of the ones on this block.
The land should be allocated for the school…although the education department seems to have dropped the ball badly here.

Sharon Greenaway
Delivered to City of Greater Bendigo

Maybe the Council could approach Jacinta Allen our new Deputy Premier and Lisa Edwards about purchasing the land for the Strathfieldsaye Primary School. With the Imagine Estate expanded and the Summerfields Estate in Sullivans Road and the Pioneer Estate in Guys Hill Road the need for the expansion of the local primary school is essential.

Maree Harper
Delivered to City of Greater Bendigo

Ridiculous proposal to put a servo right next to a primary school and a heavily congested area. I can see another McIvor Road APCO congestion issue on the horizon. About time Council listens to its ratepayers and stops needless commercial AND residential development in this area.

Delivered to City of Greater Bendigo

Wouldn’t this site be better utilised for the expansion of the primary school with so many young families out here now with all the housing developments going on.
The congestion that will be caused will be a nightmare, right on the lights isn’t a great site for a service station or a medical centre.

Delivered to City of Greater Bendigo

As a parent of a soon to be student at Strathfieldsaye Primary I feel this plan is completely wrong. The school should have it to grow as Strathfieldsaye is only getting bigger. To have a service station on a corner where young kids ride and walk to and from school does not feel safe. A car could speed in and not look out for children among other things.
An underpass under the main road for kids to cross safely is high on a priority list as this suburb is only growing bigger and the traffic that goes along that road is getting busier. Why the need for another service station and medical clinic? We pay the higher rates out here and for what? It’s a growing suburb that should have a local pool, more shopping options and more facilities for families to enjoy! Another chemist that opens after 5pm on a weekday and weekends would be great too!

Delivered to City of Greater Bendigo

No to service station on this block. It’s too close to the school, aside from fumes near young children it would increase congestion creating safety issues for children walking too and from school. We also don’t need fuel tankers negotiating Club Court and Uxbridge Streets.

Delivered to City of Greater Bendigo

I agree with other comments regarding the possibility of extending Strathfieldsaye Primary School. As a very much growing area I foresee demand for a larger school. Also Club court does not need further traffic/ risk of danger if extra facilities were developed on that corner

Delivered to City of Greater Bendigo

I object to the removal of native vegetation, the older trees here are home to so much wildlife that has already been impacted by the rapid growth in the area. A service station right next to a primary school, in a busy congested traffic area, is a poor idea. The land should be used for expansion of the primary school, or for community use such as a skate park or swimming pool.

Anna Sutton
Delivered to City of Greater Bendigo

The demographic of this area is young families, as evidenced by the high demand for services such as day care and primary schools. However there are limited options for these children as they age to be active and social with swimming, splash or skate parks. The proposed development does not meet the needs of the community. How and when have the community been consulted?

Tonya Buchanan
Delivered to City of Greater Bendigo

This application is an amendment to what has already been approved on the site. This application is seeking to extend the operating hours of the service station (7/11) to 24/7. Council will be looking for community comments in relation to whether the expansion of yours is appropriate for Strathfieldsaye.

The original approval of the medical centre and service station was approved at VCAT after council recommended it be refused.

Michael St Clair
Delivered to City of Greater Bendigo

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