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8 Cooke Street Sandringham VIC 3191

3 New Dwellings 3 New Dwellings
Planning Authority
Bayside City Council (Victoria)
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
188 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
3 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the Bayside City Council (Victoria) website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Bayside City Council (Victoria). Add your own comment.

I would like to understand how the developers have bulldozed the huge tree that was in the front yard, which when we had talks with Steven from Bayside he said it was staying. Why are the developers not getting fined. I'd also like to understand why the developer has taken the side fence down between 6 and 8 Cooke st and I'm now left with a temporary fence that makes my pool now non-compliant and the developer did not tell me when this is happening nor when a proper timber fence is being constructed. I have little kids and if a child climbs that temporary fence into our yard and drowns in our pool we are held responsible. Where do we go from here as the developer is not telling me anything. My mobile is 0409 338 971.

Sandra Celantano
Delivered to Bayside City Council (Victoria)

Some large trees need to be taken down because of the damage they cause to foot paths and under ground pipes their are to many old trees around if you love trees that much live in fern tree gully

Gary johnstone
Delivered to Bayside City Council (Victoria)

So Gary I take it Fern Tree Gully has no pedestrian paths or plumbing and sewerage flow to residential properties then !!!!
My point being I am unclear on the merit of your response to Sandra's concerns which are around safety and council / developer accountability, communication and trust.

Delivered to Bayside City Council (Victoria)

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