These amended plans and the supplementary documentation fail to note that a maximum height limit of 25m applies, under National Capital Plan amendment 91 registered 4/4/2019, which imposes Special Requirements. The current proposal would breach that 25m maximum. The National Capital Plan does not appear to allow for any discretion in terms of how that provision is applied as the upper level structures shown on the elevations would be clearly visible from public street frontages, especially during winter. On statutory grounds of basic non-compliance I therefore object to this amendment on behalf of Dickson Residents Group.
Northbourne Avenue, Morphett Street, Dickson, ACT
- Description
- AMENDMENT TO APPROVED DA201733114 - S197K. Amendment to the development application for construction of two new 9 storey developments comprising 143 dwellings, two levels of basement parking, landscaping and associated works. The development proposes a partially covered roof terrace on the upper level of both new buildings. Changes to the heritage building on the site to accommodate non retail commercial use are also included in the proposal. - the amendment is to make adjustments to the basement, cores, building services, carpark layout, storage, structural layout, floor levels and vehicle ramps, updates to the façade materials and finishes, roof terraces adjusted, landscaping adjustments, waste enclosure amended, and associated works.
- Planning Authority
ACT Planning & Land Authority
- Reference number
201733114This was created by ACT Planning & Land Authority to identify this application. You will need this if you talk directly with them or use their website.
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 6 years ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
- 1 comment made here on Planning Alerts
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Jane Goffman
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22 September 2021 11:15 UTC