185 Fox Valley Road Wahroonga NSW 2076

CC1: excavation and shoring only - Construct 2 residential buildings (4 and 6 storeys) for student accommodation containing 126 studios, construct 2 residential buildings (4 and 6 storeys) for key worker accommodation containing 35 x 1 bedroom and 25 x 2 bedroom units (60 units), basement carparking, landscaping and stormwater works and subdivision - DA0453/12 lodged pursuant to the Minister of Planning Major Project Approval No.7_0166 MOD 4, Concept Plan for Wahroonga Estate (Precinct C: Central Hospital)

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Ku-ring-gai Council, reference CCPCA0111/24)


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  1. Happy commented

    Had council considered the impacts to the local traffic?

  2. Angela commented

    This sounds ridiculous to construct something so large in a small community area. Traffic is already so busy there with the San hospital, KU preschool, Adventist high school and multi-storey medical offices. fox valley road is also so narrow ie one lane for each direction. People also drive through fox valley to go to abbotsleigh and Warrawee public schools so you have traffic clogging both directions.

    Fox valley road during peak hour is already at a standstill. There is also a childcare centre and medium density apartments recently completed on fox valley. Increasing traffic load even more will also make such a small community area more dangerous for kids and pedestrians given many people like to exercise around the area.

    It is also very difficult already to find parking to go to the San hospital and KU preschool on fox valley.

    My car was crashed into and written off in front of the preschool on fox valley. It’s too busy as it is already!! You will also find vehicles will divert into surrounding residential streets increasing traffic to the whole area in attempts to bypass the heavy congestion on fox valley.

  3. P Anderson commented

    I agree with the comments so far. Adding more and more residential and business facilities just generates greater foot traffic and further road congestion. We already have considerable impacts from the recently added developments and traffic is horrendous during school hours.
    Has anyone considered the impacts of this? Where is the data?
    We are also on the boundary of an E4 high bushfire zone, what efforts have been made to mitigate the impacts should there have to be an evacuation from the area? Are you potentially placing current residents at risk?
    There should also be some considerations given to widening of roads, extra lanes, and transport services in and out of the area. There has to be something given back to the existing community in return for further development.

  4. Sevn commented

    The Commenarra Parkway may not have extra rooms to be widen or expansion but council could consider opening up road access between Alinta Close to Begonia Road, Orchard Street and Butterfield Street to Hillmont Ave etc for diverting the traffics. With the increase in density, emergency vehicles suffers significant and unnecessary delays. People will be trapped during bush fire per above comment as there are no alternate routes to evacuate, nor fire engine is able to reach to the area. Speeding during non-peak hours is another concerns and there will be more and more people revving down and up the hills with the potential increases of cars on this road.

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