Shop 4-5, 25-33 Allen St, Waterloo NSW 2017

Liquor licence transfer - with licensee consent - on premises

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  1. Dan commented

    There has not been recently been a licensed business operating at this address recently. The last cafe closed daily at 3pm.

    So from this transfer application, we have no idea of the opening hours of this transfer of liquor license from an old licensee.

    For transparency, it would be better to fully disclose exactly what the trading hours of this business are intended to be. In recently years, far more home have been built in the area which used to be mostly industrial. How can approval be given for a business that has not operated in the area for years and the resident have no idea of the operating hours applied for?

    With no idea what opening hours are being applied for, or even the nature of the business - I oppose this application.

  2. Edna commented

    I agree with the comment from Dan, how are we supposed to approve a transfer of license for a business that has not operated here in recently? I have no clue of the operating hours or what the business is proposed. We need a lot more information on this proposal, without that I oppose it.

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