11 Coltman Plaza, Lucas VIC 3350

Sale and supply of liquor (packaged liquor licence) associated with bottleshop

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Ballarat City Council, reference PLP/2024/36)


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  1. Adrian jenkins commented

    There is already a bottle shop located in Lucas, and I believe that there are numerous other essential services that could be prioritized for development in the area before considering the addition of another bottle shop. Given that the area is known for being family-friendly, it would be more beneficial to have shops that cater to this demographic. Prioritizing the needs of families and enhancing the community vibe should be a focus over adding another bottle shop. I strongly oppose the establishment of a second outlet. Please reconsider permitting this proposal to proceed.

  2. Duane Shannon commented

    We don't need another bottle shop or smoke shop. We need more variety. We have cars blindly reversing into traffic on that road, a bottle shop would significantly increase that especially in afternoon peak. Also, cars just stopping in the road whilst someone nips in (witnessed at other liquor outlets), increases risk of injury to pedestrians as cars manoeuvre around. It will also add to traffic issues at the bottom end of Coltman car park exit, when trying to enter Coltman (Rd) . I'm against it for those reasons.

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