29 Wingate Avenue, Ringwood East VIC 3135

Construction of five double storey dwellings and subdivision of the land into 5 lots and removal of vegetation

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Maroondah City Council, reference M/2023/564)


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  1. Pam French commented

    What vegetation would be removed?
    I strongly protest if this means the development would be similar to that in Auburn Grove where the houses are so close together and there is no scope for large trees.

  2. Liz Sanzaro commented

    Since when do a Quercus robur ( English oak) and a Quercus polustrus ( Pin Oak) both trees of medium maturity ( considering how long an oak takes to mature) both be considered of moderate retention value.
    The land parcel is sufficiently large to accommodate the proposed development and luckily has a super large residential allotment adjacent with an enormous quantity of trees and other vegetation.
    Croydon Conservation Society would like to see a better effort made to save these two Oak trees, as they contribute to habitat, residential cooling and wind abatement for residents.

  3. Liz Sanzaro commented

    Further investigation show the amenity of the trees for removal will be gone, and instead the properties will be borrowing amenity from the side neighbours trees along the adjoining fence line.
    This is not good practice, what is to stop that land next door, being further developed and those tall eucalypts being removed. When we lose mature trees, we irretrievably alter the environment, for the worse.
    Vegetation matters to us all.

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