46 Holland Road, Ringwood East VIC 3135

Remove 3 trees

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Maroondah City Council, reference M/2024/224)


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  1. Pam French commented

    If any told the three trees chosen are canopy trees- I do not approve of their removal.
    There are so many large birds currently needing homes in tall old trees in Maroondah that I feel we cannot afford to lose any more .
    Chain saws can be heard nearly every day in Ringwood East.

  2. Liz Sanzaro commented

    Croydon Conservation Society is ethically opposed to mature tree removal, and so we object to the removal of these three trees. At least one appears to be an exotic species, it is also not deciduous and therefore provides habitat for bird life, in severe weather. Conditions such as cold and very wet, extreme heat and severe wind, are times when birds require shelter.
    It is likely that this request is to remove any impediment to development on this block. We cannot afford to keep on covering our 1/4 acre blocks with so much built form and hard standing materials. This built form captures any rain and sends it through the storm water system instead of allowing it to be absorbed by the earth. This has further consequences in dry land causing nearby vegetation to struggle to retain good health, it also increases flood events along our creeks to the Bay.
    One by One, development applications ( assuming this will be one) are irrevocably making climate change conditions worse, with heat sinks and no natural shade.

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