Recent applications within the last 2 months from ACT Planning & Land Authority, ACT

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  1. 19 Giles Street, Kingston, ACT
    26 days ago

    EXTENSION OF NOTIFICATION - PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT AND LEASE VARIATION - Demolition of existing building and associated structures, construction of a new four-storey health care and office building, two storey basement carparking, rooftop terrace/pergola, landscaping, driveway/verge crossing, offsite works, landscaping and associated works. Lease Variation to vary the crown lease to permit the following uses; business agency, community use limited to early childhood education and care and health facility, financial establishment, office and public agency.

  2. John Gorton Drive, Roy Corrigan Close, Coombs, ACT
    26 days ago

    AMENDMENT TO APPROVED DA - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2007 - DA202240584-S197I. Amendment to the development application for MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND LEASE VARIATION - Construction of 3 new buildings comprising a total of 72 units with under croft and basement carparking, communal facilities, solar panels, signage, landscaping and associated works. Lease variation to increase maximum dwellings permitted from 57 to 72. - The amendment is to remove commercial uses in the Crown lease; childcare centre, community activity centre, health facility, residential care accommodation, retirement village and supportive housing.

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