23 Hawthorn Road Northcote VIC 3070

The existing heritage building is being retained with external alterations limited to paint colours and new windows on the side facades set back from the street. The massing of the proposed two storey addition is set back from the street; retaining the prominence of the heritage home. New materials are influenced by the existing materials of the heritage home without mimicry. To the rear of the property, there is a proposed swimming pool and home music studio with storage area to replace the existing garden shed. The pool and studio has been planned around retaining the prominent mature tree. The proposed works, including upgrades to the existing building fabric and glazing, will upgrade the energy efficiency of the home. Solar panels will be added to both the existing and proposed roof and will be concealed from the street to preserve the character of the neighbourhood.

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(Source: Darebin City Council, reference D/98/2024)

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