149-163 Milton Street, Ashbury NSW 2193

ORIGINAL APPLICATION: Demolition of all existing structures, removal of 57 trees, excavation, site remediation, civil works, new road, site landscaping and construction of two residential flat buildings and seven multi-dwelling housing buildings comprising 129 dwellings over a single level common basement for parking. PROPOSED MODIFICATION: Alterations and additions to the approved development, including modifications to the upper levels of Building C to create an additional part storey, minor internal changes to Building B and C, façade amendments, and a redesign of the communal landscape open space to allow for revised landscaping, a new pool and associated amenities. Amendments to the basement layout and services are also proposed, including to increase the carparking from 251 to 252 and increase to the bicycle spaces from 39 to 40 [Section 4.55(8)].

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(Source: Canterbury-Bankstown Council, reference DA-826/2020/C)

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